Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prayers for "Our Diabetic Life"

Normally I would take today to complain...actually I have a list of complaints, I mean topics that I planned to ramble on about this week.  That changed yesterday when I read about a family who have amazed me since I first learned of them.

I don't get the chance to read as many other blogs as I would like but I heard about a woman who had not just two boys like I have, but had FOUR and somehow was still functioning.  I also learned that she had not just one child with diabetes, no not even just two children with diabetes but that three of her four sons had Type 1 Diabetes. In my mind this lady just went from amazing to superwoman! I have read her blogs and been amazed by her courage and her honesty. 

I also belong to the Diabetes Advocates and have been able to see first hand this woman's amazing spirit and giving nature.  She has been there with opinions and words of encouragement on many issues.

Meri has been very public about her love affair with her husband.  It came as a huge surprise to read that he was now undergoing a serious health crisis.  Having previously battled a bout of cancer, he is now facing it again on a much more terrifying level.  In Meri's words, " is back in the form of 6 brain tumors, and multiple tumors in his lungs and abdomen. Metastasized melanoma. It's pretty much the worst kind of cancer there is."

I have never "met" this woman. I have never met her family.  I have read of their courage. I have laughed at their coping skills. I am stunned at this latest revelation.  There is little that we, the outside world can do but offer our words of support. 

The family has also made one other request--prayer. No matter what your faith, no matter what you believe in, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.  Send them "positive energy", "healing vibes" and your support.  On Sunday March 4th, they also ask you to join them in a prayer circle to pray for a miracle for Ryan, father to four, best friend and husband to Meri.

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