Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank you Jed and Ellie Mae!

In honour of World Diabetes Day and Sir Frederick Banting's birthday, my son decided to run low.  I guess his body felt that that was a good night to show how powerful insulin could really be.

In typical teen boy fashion, he ate his way through a leisurely Sunday.  I didn't worry too much about his diabetes.  He was testing. He was bolusing and a look at his meter proved that he was in range for most of the day.  By the time the evening came, I felt that all of that food would have to catch up with him overnight and expected him to run a little high. I got him organized and headed off to bed.

A few minutes later my son tested before turned out the lights.  He was 4.6 mmol (85ish mgdl). That is too low for him to go to sleep so he happily grabbed a glass of juice, sent me a text message (in the next room) and continued his evening activity--watching old episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies TV show.  After awhile of me not responding to his text, he decided to call me...again,in the room across the hall, but he forgot that I do not keep my cell phone in my room at night.  The phone rang in the kitchen and my child retested himself giving up on his mother's help. 

He was now under 4 mmol (below 72) and grabbed some more juice.  Again, he was not really bothered by any of this.  It was a great excuse to stay up and he could watch more "Hillbillies".  Another episode it was before he was in range.  When he finally climbed above 6 (108), he shut down his DVD player and called it a night. 

A few hours later, it was Mom's turn to wake, test and find him low.  I didn't have a TV series to watch so for me it was reading my book while I waited.  I still didn't know that he had been low earlier in the night.  He told me the next morning when I asked about the call and text.  Thank heavens for a TV in his room and the Clampetts.  Who knew that a show so old could play a part in keeping my child safe during the night!

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