Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Teen's view on site changes

We are winding down and coming to one of the last posts for the Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge.  Today's is exceptionally tricky...Tell a story in only six sentences!! Wow! I like to ramble.  This will be a challenge that will require a LOT of editing I am sure but here it goes....

You were high. Did you do a site change?
I was going to but I got it down with corrections.
You needed a site change.
You would do a site change.  Personally, I don't do a change until I absolutely have to and since I came down, I really didn't have to!


1 comment:

  1. funny enough, i had this conversation with myself this morning! only i think there were more than 6 sentences spoken in my conversation, cause like you said in your intro, "i like to ramble"!
    great post!
