I check my phone. Who is texting me at 6 in the morning? I really wanted to sleep in until at least 8 today. It wasn't my phone. It must have been my iPad. Probably my oldest messaging me to tell me that he is up for work. I had been teasing him about over sleeping. I tried to go back to sleep.
"Your phone is ringing. Answer your phone. Its your phone. Please answer it!"
Nothing good comes from a phone call at 6:30am. I see my youngest's phone number. I hear a deep voice. He had a site issue the day before. I am sure its my ex-husband calling to tell me that my son ended up in the hospital or they need help. As my mind clears, and I hear "we need to make some changes. I was low at 6am." I realize that it is my son!
"What are you doing up this early?"
"Got to get my exercise! The early bird catches the worm! You can't sleep your life away." says the child who can easily sleep until two in the afternoon!
Hold on! He said he was low. Now he is saying that he is taking a morning walk. My brain is starting to clear and this does not sound like a good situation. I ask him if he is still low. He says no but he is walking and taking breaks just in case. He swears he is testing and he is okay...and then the connection is gone. I call him back. It goes straight to voice mail. I call again. Same thing. I try to go back to sleep but my imagination fires up in high gear. What if he went low and fell in a ditch somewhere. I text him to call me. I try to go back to sleep. It's not happening. I call again.
Finally after about 10 minutes I get through. He had been camping with friends, got up this morning and was walking back to his father's house. He was no longer low. The low was earlier. I asked if he had over bolused the correction from his site failure, been drinking, or made a bolus mistake in some food that he ate. He said to no to all of the above. I am not sure that he would have honestly answered question number two but I threw it in there amongst others so he could say yes, without saying a specific yes to the alcohol part. Either way, we decided to leave the low for another night because the corrections may have had an impact...amongst other things.
We chatted for a bit longer until he informed me that he was back at his dad's and was hoping for a big cooked breakfast before his father headed off to work. We discussed bolusing strategies after his morning walk and then said good-bye.
I tried to go back to sleep but at that point I was sadly too awake to think about it. Instead and I lay there and realized that this was a foreshadow of times to come. Times when he would be by himself and possibly calling to bounce a diabetes strategy off of me (or not). Times when I would worry and wonder if he was safe after a low. Did he fall and there is no one to help him? Those are things I will worry about but he also showed that he was okay. He was taking it all in stride...literally. I will have to learn to do that too...one day...some time..later.
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