Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Death of a Calculator

Its been in the making for awhile but today it was official.  Tragedy has once again struck our house.

Our beloved calculator, given to us by our great friend Stacey and used daily for probably five or more years has died.  I was crushed.  This calculator sat by our scale in the kitchen.  It had been calculating carbs for us for years. 

Suddenly I remembered that we had another one just like it!I rushed downstairs and into my office to check the second calculator.  You can understand why the tears began to fall when I pressed the button to turn this one on and once was gone too!

Yes, I can go out and buy another calculator. Yes, because diabetes lives in our house I will have to go and buy another calculator or start using the one on my phone more but that is not the point. These calculators were cool!

If you look closely they have a life preserver and a little floating glucagon kit inside. Where can you get something as cool as that? Only from a friend of a child with diabetes.

The sun still shines.  The calculator on my phone was able to figure out my son's breakfast carbs but meals will never be the same any more.  The great "fun" factor of our cool little calculator is gone.  Carb counting will now be a little more routine but I guess that is just part of the circle of electronics life.

RIP my calculator pals and thanks Stacey for the years of fun with them while they lasted!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...those are SO COOL!!! So sorry for their demise Barb.
