Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another Reason to Test at Night

We all know the many reasons that people like myself test their children's blood glucose levels at night.  There is the fear of dead in bed, the desire to "know" what is going on in their bodies, checking basal rates, making sure an infusion site is working, checking on the result of so much activity during the day and many, many more.

This Christmas I discovered yet another reason to test at night...the turkey!

Yes, the turkey.  In this part of the country, a large holiday meal is usually served at noon rather than in the evening.  This means that if you are having a turkey of any size, it needs to be put into the oven long before normal people get out of bed for the day. 

We were having all of our children over to eat.  This bird was going to have to see the oven long before daylight would be arriving.  As I thought about having to crawl out of bed during the wee hours I was less than thrilled but then I remembered that it was okay.  I had to be up anyway! I would kill two birds with one stone, in more ways than one!

With both of my boys home, I knew that they would have been up late so I did not have to be up too early to test. Four in the morning would be fine...and it was! I got up, tested my son and he was perfect.  You know that perfect that makes you wonder if he will drop or be okay? Lucky for me, I had a bird to stuff and get in the oven.  I did just that and then went back to retest him. He was fine.  I could sleep for a few more hours before the Christmas mayhem began.

You have to take the benefits of diabetes where you can. This holiday season that one worked for me!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you were able to kill two birds with one stone! Every little breaks helps :)
