Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Helping to Support Diabetes Advocacy

Yesterday I was asked to share a survey with those who read and follow Diabetes Advocacy. At first, I didn’t think a lot about it because people ask me to share or promote things all of the time. Sometimes I believe in what they are asking and do all I can to help. Sometimes their requests head straight to my trash as I see them with no real connection to what I do.
Yesterday’s request got my attention when I read a little further and realized that for every person who responds, Diabetes Advocacy will receive a donation.  That sounded pretty cool! Now I am quite sure that this will amount to pennies per click but pennies make dollars and dollars pay hosting fees, software costs, and occasionally for a bit of my time!
Diabetes Advocacy receives minimal funding.  The bulk of costs for this site are covered by things like small ads, purchases made through the online store and my own wallet.
Why does Diabetes Advocacy need any funding? Well as I mentioned, web-hosting fees are paid annually, software needs to be upgraded, and most importantly it takes a lot of work to maintain the quality of information available on the site, through social media and on this blog.  There are more hours that have been put into the information and efforts of this site than I could begin to tally. I do it because I love it. I enjoy being engaged and involved. I spend much of my time and my own money to keep things running as smoothly as possible. In return I see the results of hard work through people with diabetes having better, easier lives.
At the moment, I can also see a return on some that hard work by people spending 10-20 minutes answering a questionnaire on the use of insulin pens…or you can check out theonline store for a few cool items. If you do use insulin injections, please consider checking out the survey or sharing the link with your friends who inject.  The result is supporting the work of Diabetes Advocacy without having to spend a dime! 
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