Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baby Steps Forward Perhaps?

Sunday morning brought a vision that shocked me to the core…my son weighing his cereal! I was tempted to take a picture but I didn’t want to scare him or prevent him from doing this again. scale
Now that may not seem to be a life altering event to many.  It is something he has been told to do on a number of occasions. I have even shown him how his eyeball has been seriously off but telling him and seeing it happen are two very, very, very different things! There was no harping. There was no “Where is the scale?”  He actually did this on his own! Did it result in perfect bg levels? I have no idea.  Honestly, days later I remain so shocked by this occurrence that I haven’t checked. I am just hopeful that he is learning.
That is, I was hopeful until 3am this morning when he bg level was dropping after a strenuous workout the night before.  At that point I was just irked that he hadn’t listened to me.  I had told him to reduce his basal after exercise. I was positive that he hadn’t.  Once again, I was up for an hour in the middle of the night after being ill the day before.  Something was going to have to give!
I decided that if he hadn’t listened to me and caused me to lose sleep because of it, I would be taking back my sleep in the morning and he could deal with making his own breakfast and lunch (yes, my kid is spoiled and Mom cooks a hot breakfast and prepares his lunch daily despite his age)!
Well it sounded really good at 4am. It still sounded great in my mind at 7am when I was prepared to dish out my consequences to his ignoring my instructions. Unfortunately when he told me that he had done what I told him.  He exercised hours before bedtime and felt that he was okay (as per Mom’s instructions). My argument was gone.  He was learning. He had made a judgement call based on advice received from Dr. Mom and she was wrong. Darn!! I headed of to the kitchen to get breakfast.
We discussed the fact that exercise can have an impact up to 24 hours later.  More work to do but dare I hope that after all of these years, some of my lessons are starting to sink in??

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