There are many more than two or even tens things to be thankful for of course. I truly appreciate a warm bed, a roof over my head, clean drinking water and a hot shower each morning. There other things like access to medical attention, a good dentist and a lovely orthodontist that are also blessings in our lives.
Living with diabetes there are a few different things that I remain grateful for like the support of family and friends. As well as the support of friends who have become like family. The support of those people who "get it" and are there for me no matter what. The support of those people who work hard to learn and try to "get it". Their efforts mean just as much.
I am grateful for the work of Sir Frederick Banting, who's insulin allows my son to lead an active "normal" life. The genius who created our "Sirius Black" insulin pump that lent a new level of flexibility to our lives. The companies who worked to make glucometers provide results in a mere 5 seconds.
I appreciate the hair color companies more and more after each stubborn low. Without them, my hair would be a lovely shade of white by now. I also appreciate the makers of the Olay products and the various foundations used to keep the stress lines at bay and poly fill in those that make it through.
We often curse diabetes. Nightly we pray for a cure. We beg for a day without injections, testing, fighting, and fear. Today is a day to be thankful.
It is a time to be thankful for the work of so many who make our lives just that much easier. The people who have advanced our science to make it possible for my son and others to live longer, more fulfilling lives. The people who fight for equality in schools and in the workforce for people living with diabetes. Its a day to be greatful for the people who work hard to raise the money for research and those who use their know how to one day cure this disease. Today is a day to refocus, to count the blessings brought to us by diabetes and the wonderful advances that have made our lives just a little better than it could have been.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
thank you for putting, so beautifully, everything that i too am grateful for.