This was one night that I decided to be proactive. I put on his "low" basal was sure I would give myself a small reprieve. When I tested him at 3am he was perfect. I gave myself a mental high five and went back to bed with a small glow of victory. I had beat Diabetes at is own game this night!! Oh yeah!!
My victory was short lived however. There was to be no sleeping in on this Saturday morning. I hadn't extended that reduced basal rate and Diabetes took advantage causing him to be low. We all got up, showered and headed out to breakfast instead. Take that Diabetes!
3.4 (62) Crap! but at least he had treated. I called him back and told him to retest and put that "low" basal rate on. I waited and sent another text asking if he had retested. He assured me that all was okay.
We got home after midnight that night and once again I double checked to see if the temporary basal rate was on. This time I also made sure that I reactivated it when I tested during the night. I was going to beat Diabetes this time! Wrong. I may have delayed things but Diabetes continued to send my son low multiple times during the rest of the day. I was really getting tired of this.
Sunday evening I sat down with the meter, pump and my son. I got out the log book and got serious. I made carb to insulin ratio adjustments. I analyzed basal rates. I changed profiles to allow for summer late nights, later mornings and increased activity levels. Once again I was confident that we would at least see a few days of good readings.
Wrong. Diabetes kicked my butt once more. The night was fine but by 8am things were going down hill fast. 3.0 (54), four glucose tablets....3.0(54) another four glucose tablets and a few choice words...5.6 (100) victory but by then I was wide awake. So much for sleeping in on a stormy Monday morning. My son got up as well, complaining that his mouth felt like he had eaten a tonne of sugar...well you did!
I have more changes to make before my son heads off to visit his father for a few weeks. If this keeps up, my nerves will be shot before he heads off on his own. The reality of diabetes is that once I get these rates just perfect, he will have a growth spurt and we will be fighting highs for the next two months. I so love this windy, twisted road of life with Diabetes...grrr! Give me strength!
WOW! You are amazing! D is so crazy and sometimes it just wins with no reason. You are doing a fantastic job though !!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Lauren! I am just a D-mom but you are so right..Diabetes has its victories but we will keep fighting and get our's as well!
ReplyDeleteGood job! Wish we all had crystal balls because the same temp basal that works one time, is sure to be ineffective the next, causing lows or miss the mark entirely and highs. Combo of fast acting sugar plus temp basal is what I do. Wonder if I should follow up with a peanut butter cracker, and if that would hold longer. Often milk works a little better than juice for us, though not for lows, just to push the sugar up.
ReplyDeleteoh perfect job:]