Before we could go in I had to write down four days worth of food consumption and blood glucose readings. Remember I said that I had been away? Well those four days reflect more junk food than we normally have in a year. It showed desserts for breakfast and blood glucose levels inflated by high fat meals and inactivity due to extended periods of travel. In other words, the nutritional values and the readings that followed were horrid. I knew exactly what the problem was and two days after those logged days, readings were back in range. In fact they were going from sky high to basement nightmares.
The nightmares began on Monday night. All of that catching up caught up with me and I was good and tired when I hit the pillow. I had to be up bright and early in the morning so of course sleep was not easy to find. To add insult to injury, I would only sleep for two hours maximum before waking up. At one o'clock I refused to get up. I knew I would wake at three. I would get up and test my son then. Two more hours would make all of the difference to me and I was confident that all would be fine. As if I had an alarm set, at 3am I was back up and off to grab a kit and test a child. I stumbled up the stairs, dug for a finger and waited the five seconds for the results. 2.9 (52)! What the???????? Okay this was going to be a long night! I grabbed a glass of juice, fed it to him and waited. They tell you 15 and 15 but we are of the old school and at nights waiting 20 minutes usually results in a reading in range and no high afterwards from over treating the low.
Fifteen minutes became twenty and I went to retest. He had gone up but it was only to 3.2 (58). Glucose tablets would work better I decided so up I went again, bottle in hand to try and feed tablets to a sleeping young man. He eventually ate and I watched the clock once again. I had already changed his low insulin cartridge and done some tidying up while waiting for the last retest so this time I decided to try reading without my glasses. That was a challenge that I would not recommend doing again. My eyesight is terrible and fighting to see the fine print of a novel at what was quickly becoming 4am was not a lot of fun. Finally it was time to test again and he was in range. I could breathe and more importantly sleep...or so I thought. Because I had to be up in the morning, I tossed and turned until well after five before sleep finally arrived.
Tuesday did not get any brighter. We had a wonderful, sunny day for our drive into the diabetes clinic. There were a few other errands to be run that day including getting my oldest child access to his bank account and get him to the Motor Vehicle Department to try for his learners permit. The banking was a snap. In no time I was teaching him how to deposit his pay cheque and we were off to head to the next town to see our diabetes team. The permit would be dealt with after the doctor's.
When planning my day I had forgot to allow time for lunch so I resorted to racing through a McDonald's drive-thru. I had just read a blog about a happy meal one year later and was very nervous about eating there but I needed to eat now! This McDonald's did not care. They took my money and then had me park beside three other cars. This was not a good sign. By the time they brought us our food I had ten minutes to eat, get to the hospital and find a parking place. Our hospital has horrible parking. That could take ten minutes in itself on a good day! I told my kids to eat as I drove. I hoped that I would get to nibble something so that the growling in my stomach would be down to a dull roar before we went in to meet everyone.
We made it into the office on time and of course were left waiting for them. The good news was his A1c was down. It was not exactly where I would have liked and higher than I had expected because his readings had been pretty good before the blood draw (yes we still have to have a venous blood draw for A1c testing) but I was okay with it. I have a rule that as long as we are under 7% I will not be upset. It may change as puberty advances but so far we have been able to live by this rule without much of a problem. I freak out at the appropriate times and am okay for the rest.
After all of the sessions with nurse, dietitian and doctor, we headed over to the Motor Vehicles Branch. It had a lovely sign that said "Written Tests only done on Fridays". What? Who comes up with this? This is the big office. Its where stuff from our little local office goes. What gives with this? My son wanted to register his off-road vehicle at the same time but we decided instead to hightail it back to the next town to try and get a learners test in before the office closed. As we headed down the highway, my son called a number of his friends who confirmed what he should have already known...the tests are Monday through Thursday, 9am until 2:30pm. In other words we should have done it after the bank not after the doctor's. No permit. No registration. No happiness felt in the car and we still had to wait six more hours before we could go home because drivers education classes were held on Tuesday nights and my oldest had a class.
We shopped. We sat. I read. One child slept. Finally the night ended and we collapsed at home. This night I was going to enjoy some real sleep! Wrong. Once again, I woke up. This time it was a little earlier in the night. I wanted to go back to sleep and test him a little later but static on my baby monitor would not let me fall asleep. Whenever I thought of going back to sleep it would get louder. I decided that I would take the hint and headed up the stairs to test once again. Once again I saw the dreaded number. He was again 2.9(52). I had another basal rate to change. I went through the same routine as the night before but thankfully this one responded a little quicker and I was able to get to sleep before 5am.
That was a good thing because in the morning I had to bring a urine sample to the hospital because my son had been living with diabetes for over ten years now. This meant it was time for his kidneys to be checked. We had also decided to get the learners test over with and do that right after stopping at the hospital.
Wednesday night would be my reprieve. I had reduced all of the basals and with my children at their father's for the night, I would be able to sleep. Yeah right. I was sucked into a tv show that had me up later than I had planned. I then foolishly opened a novel that I had to finish because just past the 3/4s mark I was positive I had read it before and now had to be sure. It was 1:30am before I killed the lights and put the book down. At seven I was awake and waiting for my son to return home before he headed off to school. That had become his routine and today was no different.
Thursday I waited to find out how the night readings had been. Their father will test at night but the recheck of a low usually does not happen and scares the crap out of me. As he was writing down readings, my son turned to me and said "Do you notice that when I am at Dad's I don't have the highs or lows at night that you are always fighting with?" I responded that there was a reason for that. "I do what I can to "fix it" before you go there because I don't want those problems when you are there." He responded that it was a good thing because his father would be too tired and he had to go to work in the morning. I said what about me? Do you think I lay in bed all day? The response was "No but he has to leave the house to work. You know? He goes out to work and its hard work." Okay that is not the thing to say to a sleep deprived mother who has been running around all week as the personal chauffeur to two young men. He cut his losses and the conversation quickly died.
Since I didn't have to worry about the pressures of a 9-5 job, I returned to my lax job of working online that I had began at 8am and was still working on well after 8pm. As I was reading, researching, and wading through information, I came across reference to the Ning network. This was a social networking platform that I had recently begun to use. Rather than worry about restarting my online support list, I had decided that this would be a much better venue..and its free! Well, it was. Until today! It seems that new management as come in and my great new avenue of social networking has been closed as fast as it opened! I have no idea what I am going to do and after this week? Well it might be a few days before a final decision is made. Grrr. I hope next week is filled with a few more highs...and not high blood glucose levels.
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